Keeping up with the curtailment: 3.7TWh of semi-scheduled economic and network curtailment estimated in 2023
A chart of the the month-by-month semi-scheduled economic and network curtailment totals, along with the top 3 worst hit units over 2023.
A chart of the the month-by-month semi-scheduled economic and network curtailment totals, along with the top 3 worst hit units over 2023.
Tristan Edis from Green Energy Markets takes a deep dive into generator performance across the NEM. He provides his take on which wind and solar farms have outperformed and underperformed, through the recent renewable investment boom.
An article on RenewEconomy this week (about some analysis by analysts at ANU) coincided with our review of sequential drafts of the GSD2022, and prompted this article to have a look at some reported lost production at a number of solar farms across the NEM.
This 16th Case Study in a series covers the first ‘extreme event’ into 2019 where there was an aggregate under-performance (compared to Target) across all Semi-Scheduled plant totaling greater than 300MW.
Guest author, David Leitch, in his first article here on WattClarity, walks through some of what first jumps out to him in his initial review of the Generator Statistical Digest 2019.