How prices will be set, under the new “Demand Response Mechanism”
Some worked examples of how several forms of Demand Response (including the proposed new Demand Response Mechanism) might impact wholesale prices, and participant positions.
Some worked examples of how several forms of Demand Response (including the proposed new Demand Response Mechanism) might impact wholesale prices, and participant positions.
Some quick observations about the patterns of volatility seen this week in Queensland
Some initial analysis looking into the question of whether the increased penetration of solar PV is increasing the variability of scheduled demand to the point that generators can exert more pressure on spot prices.
A quick look at some more volatility experienced in the Queensland region on Wednesday 23rd October
The dispatch price in Queensland spiked to $1,500/MWh at 18:25 and again at 22:40 yesterday evening – triggering jitters in some who fear a return to the volatility of summer 2013.
Five thought-provoking questions about what really happened in Queensland over summer 2013 – and the supplementary question about what it all means for the future.
Beginning prior to 7am and progressing through the morning of Wednesday 2nd January 2013, there was significant volatility in the Queensland region of the National Electricity Market – including four spikes at or above $1,000/MWh.
Here’s a walk-through of how it unfolded, with some pointers to some of the contributing factors.