Questions about electricity bills with closure of Liddell looming
Around eight days till the scheduled closure of Liddell's next-to-close unit (and prompted by an article in the AFR), we take a quick look at how they've been...
There are several widgets in the ez2view software that can help users analyse and interpret bid data … including (but not limited to) these two:
1 More frequently on WattClarity we’ve utilised the ‘Bids & Offers’ widget – with articles tagged for this widget listed below.
2 But there is also a ‘Bid Explorer’ widget .
Around eight days till the scheduled closure of Liddell's next-to-close unit (and prompted by an article in the AFR), we take a quick look at how they've been...
Prompted by a few media questions (on a day when all 4 units were offline together for about 3 hours), have taken a quick look at the status...
Alerted via an ABC news article, we take a quick look at Callide C3.
Prompted by a comment by a WattClarity reader, I've taken a quick look at Loy Yang A2 for the past week.
A follow-on second look at the volatility experienced in South Australia around midnight beginning Thursday 8th September 2022.
A quick look (for Tue 14th June) of which of the coal units are expected to return to service in the coming week.
A first after-the-fact review of the price volatility seen in QLD and NSW on Tuesday evening, 2nd May 2022. What were some of the causal factors?
It was too tempting to take some time today to look back on the first fully 5-minute bids from Friday 1st October (the start of Five Minute Settlement)...