One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time.
As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.
A short article today (whilst in the midst of finalising GenInsights Quarterly Update for Q1 2023) presenting an overview of Aggregate Raw Off-Target (AggROT) for Semi-Scheduled units on Friday 3rd February 2023.
In an event (that seems) similar to 17th March 2023, a glitch in SCADA leads to the suspension of the market in the Victorian region on Saturday afternoon/evening 22nd April 2023.
Around eight days till the scheduled closure of Liddell’s next-to-close unit (and prompted by an article in the AFR), we take a quick look at how they’ve been bidding.
The long weekend provided an opportunity to review 10 years of electricity bills at home to look at net usage patterns and net solar injections from our home rooftop solar system. What have we found, at this point?
Given the significance of the event (Reserve Trader almost triggered on Thursday 16th March – 34 days till the closure of Liddell Unit 4) we’re investing some time in exploring more detail of the event. This is Part 1.
From 08:00 (NEM time) this morning, the old ‘X5 constraint’ (i.e. formerly formally known as ‘N^^N_NIL_3’) has been split into two (i.e. addressing separately risk of tripping of either/both Bendigo to Kerang 220kV line and Bendigo to Shepparton 220kV line). Here’s a first quick look…
In Part 3 of this Case Study, we look at the source of the Dispatch Interval Availability forecasts for these units at 17:05 on 27th October 2022 (i.e. Self-Forecast or something else, incl AWEFS/ASEFS).
In Part 2 of this Case Study, we look at those 15 x Semi-Scheduled units highlighted with large deviations (mostly under-performance) at 17:05 on 27th October 2022 in order to understand more.
In Part 1 of this Case Study, we start to look at the large collective under-performance across all Semi-Scheduled units (i.e. Wind and Large Solar) at 17:05 on 27th October 2022. More to come in subsequent parts…
In today’s article (a third snippet from GenInsights Quarterly Update for Q4 2022) we take a look at levels of large ‘Aggregate Raw Off-Target’ (i.e. large collective deviations away from Target), which continue to grow for the Semi-Scheduled category and remind us of that question …