Keeping Up with the Curtailment Part 2: The what and the where
Dan Lee takes a deeper dive into network and economic curtailment, and shares some charts and data maps that demonstrate seasonal effects, and the geographic spread of units affected.
Dan Lee takes a deeper dive into network and economic curtailment, and shares some charts and data maps that demonstrate seasonal effects, and the geographic spread of units affected.
This afternoon, Linton and Dan spoke to an audience organised by the Clean Energy Council about VRE and firming – with some snippets to be posted on WattClarity in coming days.
Elon Musk’s ‘100 days or it’s free’ offer was made almost exactly 7 years ago – how much longer or shorter have battery development delivery times changed since then?
A chart of the the month-by-month semi-scheduled economic and network curtailment totals, along with the top 3 worst hit units over 2023.
A review of battery storage market performance in the NEM throughout 2023, a year in which where we saw the battery fleet double in size.
A quick look into performance of Genex’ four DUIDs over 2023, as news broke this morning of a takeover bid from the Japanese-based J-Power.
We’ve already witnessed four price spikes this afternoon as demand in NSW is approaching its expected peak. P5 forecasts are currently projects prices to remain at very elevated levels for the time being.
Some interesting data coming from our forecast convergence widget yesterday afternoon, hinted to us that bushfire smoke is likely to have been impacting rooftop PV generation levels in Victoria.
The sixth transmission tower failure within the NEM in almost four years, has prompted further questions about the physical network and its resilience to severe convective winds.
Using our soon-to-be-released GSD2023, we can compare the market performance of AGL’s Torrens Island BESS against what was published in last week’s half-year results presentation from AGL.
Still trying to make sense of what did and didn’t happen in QLD last night, Dan Lee provides some context to how yesterday’s record-breaking demand compares to similar historical events.
As QLD’s market demand record has already been smashed this afternoon, we’re keeping a close eye on P5 and P30 forecasts, where actuals are landing significantly above all prior forecasts.
A quick summary of the bids/offers for each of the generation fuel types in QLD, as we examine the market conditions over the past four days.
The CleanCo CEO last week participated in a radio interview in which he provided details and a progress update on the long-term outage at Barron Gorge Hydro Station, which was caused by excessive flooding from Cycle Jasper last month.
With Challicum Hills Wind Farm recently celebrating its 20th anniversary, Dan Lee takes a look into the long-term trend of technical and commercial performance of the oldest wind farms in the NEM.
Flooding from Cyclone Jasper has damaged part of the Barron Gorge Hydro Power Station in North Queensland, forcing its units offline until further assessment and repairs.
A short post to note that the AEMO have published a market notice stating an intention to commence RERT negotiations in NSW.
A quick look at Semi-Scheduled Wind UIGF forecasts for this evening, where tight supply-demand is expected in NSW.
Two AEMO market notices late this morning suggest that NSW and QLD are in for tight supply-demand later this week, with an LOR2 condition currently forecast in the former.
A short note following a post from Ben Domensino warning of 40+ degree weather in the Sydney metropolitan area tomorrow.