So whilst talking about changes in supply-demand balance and the impact on System Frequency, there was an apparent trip of the Callide B2 unit in the early hours of this morning, as captured in the alert in ‘Notifications’ widget in ez2view here:
In order that we could see the frequency data in more detail (down at the 100 milli-second cadence) we extracted and have plotted an 8 hour period (from 00:00 to 08:00 NEM time this morning) here:
1) We identify what was probably the effect of the trip in the drop to 49.899Hz at 03:25:08.5 NEM time this morning)
2) But we’ve also noted a few other drops in frequency throughout the morning that have not been investigated
3) Though readers should not that:
(a) none of them are outside the bounds of the NOFB
(b) though each of them are outside the deadband of PFR, so would have triggered a response there.
Nothing further, at this point.
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