… and whilst we are talking about high points for ‘Market Demand’, here’s a snapshot from NEMwatch at 17:35 with the NEMwide demand level at 32,840MW (by that measure):
At this point, that’s a little below the highest point thus far today (32,921MW at 17:05) … but again let’s see what happens as rooftop PV sets for the evening… (almost gone in Brisbane now).
Clearly we can see the three large regions are each well out of their ‘green zone’ in terms of the relative range of demand.
The market price in SA and Vic are often very interesting. Yesterday in SA was once again interesting.
This will be interesting when subsidies for rooftop solar are removed the amount of systems will reduce over time as they start to fail creating more demand for the house hold that didn’t consume and for not being able to supply the network what it needs