Moorabool Wind Farm in the 4-second data on Tuesday 13th February 2024

Big apologies to our readers for this very short (and perhaps cryptic) article – easiest to post this now and (if time permits) return later.

One of the other wind farms that stood out (in part because of its larger size) when preparing the data for ‘From the 4-second SCADA data, a view of Production by Fuel Type on Tuesday 13th February 2024’ was the Moorabool Wind Farm.

Here’s the trend of the 4-second SCADA data for MOORAWF1, with all the other wind farms removed and some timings added:



That’s all for now.

About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

2 Comments on "Moorabool Wind Farm in the 4-second data on Tuesday 13th February 2024"

  1. The reasons for this are very clear in the market data – the output drops were Moorabool WF being constrained off by transmission limitations around Moorabool / Geelong, which preceded the 500 kV line trips (and worsened thereafter). The availability of the plant remained high until about 3pm, but in any case it was mostly constrained off from 12:40 NEM time onwards

  2. Perhaps the Moorabool Wind Farm (and the Berrybank WFs) tripped on excessive wind speed at its location. This wind storm subsequently hit the 500kV towers causing their demise.

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