A collection of articles about events that occurred through winter 2018 in the NEM (i.e. from 1st June to 31st August 2018)
About the Author
Paul McArdle
Related Articles
Paul McArdle
Wednesday, June 3 2015
Early winter chills power Tassie demand
A quick look at how the early winter chills are driving demand in Tasmania to levels not seen for 4 years
Paul McArdle
Friday, July 21 2006
Winter 2002 – Generator Market Power
From the start of the NEM through until 2001, the NEM was typified by a pricing dichotomy with sustained rock-bottom pricing in NSW, Snowy and Victoria and high and volatile pricing in the extremities (Queensland and South Australia).
In 2001, the QNI interconnection and many generation projects were developed. This led to the convergence of prices between all regions, and the disappearance of price volatility – circumstances that were a real threat to generator profitability.
In response, generators adopted an approach that came to be known as “the economic withholding of capacity” to engineer volatility into the market throughout winter 2002 – and hence higher prices as a result., and generator behaviour.
Paul McArdle
Monday, July 30 2012
How has the Carbon Tax influenced Hydro Generation levels?
A brief look at the significant increase in output from hydro plant coincident with (and slightly preceding) the introduction of the Carbon Tax
Paul McArdle
Thursday, December 18 2008
Who’s the best demand forecaster in the NEM?
The great bi-annual peak demand forecasting competition. Prove your forecasting prowess and you could win a great seasonal prize!
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