A collection of articles about this energy transition
About the Author
Paul McArdle
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Paul McArdle Wed 21st March 2018
Just because a company wears a “green halo”, that does not mean it can disrespect its potential customers [UPDATED]
An advertisement seen on TV in recent days from a (relatively) new entrant in the energy sector reinforces, to me, the need for the energy sector more broadly to do a much better job of respecting its prospective customers.
Paul McArdle Fri 28th July 2017
ACCC chief, Rod Sims, includes 6 factors driving retail electricity prices higher
A timely reminder from Rod Sims (at the ACCC) this week that there are a number of factors driving electricity price higher – not just a single “smoking gun”
Allan O'Neil Fri 11th January 2019
NEM spot prices remained stubbornly high in 2018 – what were the drivers?
The surge in NEM spot prices since 2015, and related impacts on contract and retail prices, have been extensively discussed and analysed in many forums, from ACCC inquiries to Twitter. The underlying reasons for the rise are well understood and…
Marcelle Gannon Fri 17th July 2020
Semi-scheduled generation–what are the real issues?
Marcelle digs into the data to find out what the real issues are in the AER’s proposed rule change for semi-scheduled generators.
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