Collected articles on the notable events of the summer of 2008-2009.
About the Author
Paul McArdle
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Paul McArdle
Wednesday, December 31 2008
A hot day in QLD today!
High temperatures in Queensland drive demand up on New Year’s Eve.
Paul McArdle
Thursday, July 4 2013
Quick quiz – how many do you get right, about what happened in the Queensland Region over summer 2013?
Five thought-provoking questions about what really happened in Queensland over summer 2013 – and the supplementary question about what it all means for the future.
Marcelle Gannon
Friday, April 3 2020
Semi-scheduled Generation Availability Forecasts–how to improve?
In her first article for WattClarity, Marcelle looks at questions raised in the recent summer on the forecasting of performance at high temperatures of wind and solar generators, and asks how AEMO and industry can work together to improve this.
Paul McArdle
Monday, November 18 2019
Probability, Consequence (and Risk) as it relates to summer 2019-20 in the NEM
With summer 2019-20 fast approaching, we’ll use the refresher on the two core components of risk (probability and consequence) to unpick what the real issue is with respect to concerns about overheating electricity supplies this summer, especially in the Victorian region.
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