Electric Vehicles–some back of the envelope calculations
Some back-of-the-envelope calculations about what electric vehicles might mean for the National Electricity Market, following on from my presentation at the EUAA Annual Conference
Some back-of-the-envelope calculations about what electric vehicles might mean for the National Electricity Market, following on from my presentation at the EUAA Annual Conference
Some initial analysis looking into the question of whether the increased penetration of solar PV is increasing the variability of scheduled demand to the point that generators can...
Why are we investing significant time in completing this review of what was remarkable price volatility in QLD over summer? We're primarily a software company that develops shrink-wrapped...
WattClarity is one way we strive to help people make better decisions – by making the energy market clearer, and more understandable. Do you know of someone who...
A back-dated post to provide a ready reference to the Issues Paper and Final Report of 'the Parer Review', from back in 2002.