Investigation of Negative Prices in Tasmania on 2nd & 3rd February
On the 2nd and 3rd of February this year prices spiked in South Australia and Victoria in the afternoon. Coinciding with these spikes, the Tasmania pool price went...
On the 2nd and 3rd of February this year prices spiked in South Australia and Victoria in the afternoon. Coinciding with these spikes, the Tasmania pool price went...
A graphical summary of a day when temperatures soared in NSW, dragging demand higher and (with the assistance of a relative shortage of supplies) also dragging prices to...
More high temperatures in South Australia and Victoria this afternoon have driven the demand and the spot price high.
Prices in South Australia and Victoria have been high this afternoon, jumping up over $2000 in both states at 3pm NEM-time today.
Some quick notes about a price spike in QLD today.
Some pictorial records of a day when a new record demand was set in Queensland.
A snapshot of a price spike in SA late at night.
A snapshot of a higher demand day in NSW, driven by higher temperatures as they move eastwards
Some notes about the heatwave in SA and VIC, and what it means for the NEM
A topic to collect articles about personal experiences with distributed energy resources
Some quick notes on what's happened in the NEM today (17th) and yesterday (16th)
Some further analysis of the MT PASA and ST PASA forecasts for other regions of the NEM (SA, TAS, NSW and QLD) for the day of 29th January...
Some articles about the way summer 2009-10 unfolds
A record of high demand in the QLD region on Thursday 10th December 2009
Some explanation of the demand measures quoted in WattClarity
Yesterday afternoon at 2pm NEM time the price in QLD and NSW spiked. As you can see in this screenshot of NEM-Watch (click for a larger view), the...
A quick look at how useful NEMMCO's PASA forecasts were, prior to the record levels of demand seen across the NEM on Thursday 29th January 2009
A few snapshots and quick notes about a very hot spring day in the NEM, with demand soaring, IRPM dropping across the market, and prices at VOLL in...
A few brief notes about a hot day across the mainland, with demand levels high in each of the 4 mainland regions
A few snapshots of a hot day in QLD and NSW as the spring heatwave rolls east.