An interruption to the NEM wholesale market data service resulted in a delay of data to industry today, 19 November, 2024 at approximately 13:20.
Later, an email communicated that Incident INC0138395 had been resolved and that the:
"Electricity Market Management System service has been restored. "
The incident email reported the resolution as complete at 13:55.
Further, market notice 120661 also announced the service interruption as resolved:
MARKET NOTICE 120661 ___________________________________________________________________________________ Notice ID 120661 Notice Type ID Status of Market Systems Notice Type Description MARKET Issue Date Tuesday, 19 November 2024 External Reference INC0138395 - Electricity Market Management System service- RESOLVED __________________________________________________________________________________ AEMO ELECTRICITY MARKET NOTICE The service interruption relating to the Electricity Market Management System service has been resolved. For further enquiries please contact the AEMO Support Hub Phone: 1300 236 600 Email: AEMO IT Duty Manager
We gather the incident related to movement of EMMS [electricity market management system] production systems to an alternative datacentre for maintenance activities, as notified in change CHG0098876. The description of the change anticipated the following:
"The maintenance activity is not expected to have any impact however delays to Dispatch cycles, bid submission, and outage to the AEMO Markets Portal are possible during the outage window on Tuesday 19th November. Consumer Data Right will not be available during the outage period. "
A subsequent incident email at 15:23 NEM time and added further detail on what had happened:
"The Electricity Market Management System service has been restored. Four Dispatch Intervals were missed. CHG0098876 has been rolled back. There are no further steps to be completed, and no further communication will be released unless there is a change of status. PIR to follow."
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