What is demand?

We have been asked this question by a number of people (with references to several articles we have published on WattClarity®), as there are a number of different ways of reporting “demand”.

Depending on the source of the data (i.e. which software package we used), it could be any of the following:

NEM-Watch (for a real-time view)

NEM-Watch provides a real-time view of the National Electricity Market.

As such, it updates two different data sets from AEMO/NEMMCO:

1)  Dispatch Data is the 5-minute data AEMO uses to dispatch the market. 

(a)  This data is produced in the NEMDE dispatch engine at the beginning of each (5-min) dispatch interval and applies as the end of the dispatch interval.

(b)  The measure of demand is called the Dispatch Demand Target.

(c)  Hence it is a forecast (at the beginning of the dispatch interval) what the demand will be at the end (hence the name “Target”).

(d)  NEMMCO/AEMO calls it “TOTALDEMAND”.  Because of the small time-scale involved, it tends to be reasonably accurate, but is not the same as a metered demand.

2)  Trading Data is the 30-minute data AEMO uses for commercial transactions in the market. 

(a)  The Trading Demand Target is just the simple (i.e. time-weighted) average of 6 x 5-minute Dispatch Demand Target numbers in the trading interval.

(b)  Hence, this figure (too) is not a metered demand

NEM-Review (for historical analysis)

As trading (30-min) data is what is used for all commercial transactions in the market, the NEM-Review package provides updates of just this data set.

Hence, the demand numbers shown in NEM-Review at Trading Demand Target.

NEMforecast (for forward-looking data)

Data published in the PASA process by AEMO is for a given half-hour (or, in the case of MT PASA, for the highest demand half-hour in the day), hence it is the equivalent of Trading Demand Target.

About the Author

Paul McArdle
Paul was one of the founders of Global-Roam in February 2000. He is currently the CEO of the company and the principal author of WattClarity. Writing for WattClarity has become a natural extension of his work in understanding the electricity market, enabling him to lead the team in developing better software for clients. Before co-founding the company, Paul worked as a Mechanical Engineer for the Queensland Electricity Commission in the early 1990s. He also gained international experience in Japan, the United States, Canada, the UK, and Argentina as part of his ES Cornwall Memorial Scholarship.

1 Comment on "What is demand?"

  1. Further clarification about demand is now available in the AEMO resource here:

    It appears that the “Metered Demand” figure we update in NEM-Review falls under the “Scheduled Demand” classification in the AEMO document.

22 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. High temperatures in QLD yesterday drag demand close to all-time-maximum | WattClarity
  2. Temperature Spikes drive Demand higher this week | WattClarity
  3. Heatwave ramps up in southern Australia, dragging prices higher | WattClarity
  4. Hot weather moves north-eastwards, driving demand in NSW | WattClarity
  5. New record electricity demand in Queensland today (Monday 18th) | WattClarity
  6. Cold snap brings price spike in NSW | WattClarity
  7. High temperatures drive NEM-wide demand to 34,400MW | WattClarity
  8. NEM-wide demand higher still, as NSW regional demand eclipses record | WattClarity
  9. Hot day in QLD drives regional demand close to the record | WattClarity
  10. Analysis of demand over summer 2010-11 | WattClarity
  11. Queensland demand continues to climb – towards the all-time maximum | WattClarity
  12. Recapping NEM-Wide demand (or the lack thereof) over summer | WattClarity
  13. Prices see-saw across the (mainland) NEM today | WattClarity
  14. Electricity demand creeps higher in Queensland, on the back of hot weather | WattClarity
  15. A more detailed look at how demand has trended over 15 summers in the NEM | WattClarity
  16. How has Demand Diversity changed, over 15 summers? | WattClarity
  17. Record Saturday demand reached in Queensland | WattClarity
  18. Close to a new record demand in Victoria today (Wed 15th), but no cigar | WattClarity
  19. South Australian electricity weathers blistering heat | WattClarity
  20. A blue day in Queensland | WattClarity
  21. Highest electricity demand in NSW so far this summer seen today | WattClarity
  22. Early Friday 10th February – forecasts for near-record electricity demand and load shedding in NSW | WattClarity

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