NEM Mainland frequency patterns – historical overview from 2024
In this overview, we take a longitudinal look back at how frequency has changed over the years.
In this overview, we take a longitudinal look back at how frequency has changed over the years.
On Friday morning 15th November 2024 we see the return to service of both YWPS1 and LYA2 - coincident with the cancellation of Victorian directions for System Strength.
A sample of highlights captured from AEMO's summer readiness briefing for 2024-25.
We (and others) wondered, why the direction (especially for 4 units) to replace the System Strength from the ‘missing’ coal units?
We’ve only just published ‘AEMO directs 4 units on in Victoria, to cover System Strength shortfall’ … noting that, at that time, there were 3 coal units in...
On Thursday morning 14th November 2024, the AEMO has directed 4 different units to operate, to cover a potential system strength shortfall in the Victorian region.
We earlier noted this ‘Significant (-786MW) drop in NSW demand, on Wednesday 13th November 2024’ … and, in response, a reader (KC) asked a question that inspired this...
A short article on Wednesday afternoon, 13th November 2024 with this snapshot highlighting a drop in frequency on the mainland.
The ‘Notifications’ widget in one of our copies of ez2view triggered an alert that we’ve not seen all that often at all, flagging a 786MW drop in ‘Market...
Partly prompted by a comment yesterday from a WattClarity reader (Liam), and powered by 'next day public' data, we take a look at Yallourn Power Station on Tuesday...
In his second article, Jack Fox uses the Non Financial Operation (NFO) data to take a look specifically at batteries, and how they would have performed under FPP.
In his first article, Jack Fox reports some initial observations from a review of the Non Financial Operations (NFO) data that's been published since Dec 2024.