Curtailment (spillage) of Large Solar reaches 2/3 of total resource, on Saturday 24th August 2024
A short record of some large curtailment of Large Solar resource on Saturday 24th August 2024.
A short record of some large curtailment of Large Solar resource on Saturday 24th August 2024.
With Eraring unit 3 coming offline on Sunday 25th August 2024 (not long after Eraring unit 1 returned to service) I've had a quick look.
A social media update talking about forecast high wind speeds in the coming week prompts me to check forecast aggregate wind farm production.
After a forced outage lasting almost 4 weeks, Callide C3 came back online Wednesday evening 21st August 2024.
A short article with this snapshot to document a morning burst of volatility in South Australia on Thu 22nd Aug 2024.
For several reasons (including as prompted by conversations with several different clients in recent days) here's a review of rebidding at Loy Yang A1 as the unit came...
A brief follow-on to yesterday evening's article about the unplanned outage at Loy Yang A1 (Tue 20th Aug 2024).
Another brief article (to help some specific readers/clients) with respect to a coal unit outage ... this time Millmerran unit 2.
A quick look at some market data in ez2view, with respect to Loy Yang A1 unit coming offline on Tuesday afternoon 20th August 2024.
A quick contemporaneous record of the trip of the Tarong North Power station unit on Monday evening 19th August 2024.
Guest author Allan O'Neil examines some recent episodes of price volatility (particularly 30th July to 5th August 2024) and whether they were driven by a shortage of supply,...
Sunday 18th August 2024 sees Queensland reach a new 'lowest' point for 'Market Demand' ... not quite 8 months after it saw a 'highest ever' point for 'Market...
A brief follow on article about Loy Yang A station, following the A4 unit trip yesterday, and unsuccessful return to service today.
A short record of a coal unit trip around the time of a system frequency drop. on Wednesday 14th August 2024.
The wet weather in Queensland has impacted solar energy production.
A quick article about evening volatility (in South Australia only?) on Tuesday 6th August 2024
A slightly longer summary (compared to this morning's) of some evening volatility (across the NEM) on Monday evening 5th August 2024.
Following on from earlier articles about price volatility on Tue 30th July 2024 (particularly in South Australia), guest author Allan O'Neil takes a closer look at the operation...
A quick summary of some morning volatility (particularly SA, VIC and SA) on Monday morning 5th August 2024.
Curiosity drove us to take this initial (and very quick) look at bidding behaviour, NEM-wide, across the past 14 days in relation to recent NEM-wide price volatility.