Silverton Wind Farm (also) back online near Broken Hill – Friday evening 1st November 2024
Friday afternoon 1st November 2024 our copies of ez2view did alert us to the restart of the STWF1 unit, just prior to the 16:40 dispatch interval (NEM time).
Overnight on Wednesday 16th October 2024 into Thursday morning, severe storms blew over transmission towers (on the ‘X2 line’) feeding power into western NSW.
This disrupted power supplies to (and local generation in) areas like Broken Hill for a number of weeks.
In this category we collate articles about this outage.
Friday afternoon 1st November 2024 our copies of ez2view did alert us to the restart of the STWF1 unit, just prior to the 16:40 dispatch interval (NEM time).
As of 8:41pm Broken Hill time (ACDT) 31 Oct, Transgrid confirmed the power line linking Broken Hill to the HV transmission network was energised.
Some good news I saw (on Wednesday morning 30th Oct 2024) was that Broken Hill might be reconnected to the wider grid (albeit on the temporary towers for...
A map of where the eight separate transmission tower incidents have occurred over the past five years.
A brief collation of several key events over recent years in the development and early operations of the Broken Hill BESS.
A quick update on Broken Hill - with BHB1 discharging Sunday evening 27th October 2024, and more updates from the Energy Minister.
It was welcome news to see the Broken Hill BESS start charging this afternoon (Saturday 26th October 2024 at 15:41 NEM time).
Anthony Cornelius of WeatherWatch shares insights and graphical displays that demonstrate the extent of the supercell storm that toppled seven transmission towers in Broken Hill last week.
The GB01 unit (the back-up genset that has been supporting the Broken Hill area the past few days) has come offline overnight – early Friday 25th October 2024:.
It's Wednesday morning and the backup generator in Broken Hill (GB01) has run successfully through the night after restarting Tuesday afternoon 22nd October 2024.
At 16:41 (NEM time) on Monday 21st October the back-up generator in Broken Hill tripped - and is still offline on Tuesday morning 22nd October 2024.
Via an update on LinkedIn from NSW Energy Minister, we’ve become aware of this update on the NSW Government website ‘Update on NSW Government response to power outage...
A quick review of electricity supply sources (that are visible to us) around the Broken Hill area.
ABC Broken Hill has reported that seven transmission towers collapsed south of the town overnight due to strong winds and hail.