NEM-wide market demand indeed peaks at a four-year high on Monday afternoon, 16th Dec 2024
NEM-wide market demand peaked at a four-year high on Monday afternoon, landing at 33,674 MW during the 17:30 dispatch interval.
NEM-wide market demand peaked at a four-year high on Monday afternoon, landing at 33,674 MW during the 17:30 dispatch interval.
Here's a single snapshot from ez2view at the 16:15 dispatch interval to illustrate widespread constraint limitations in western NSW and western VIC.
In this short article we include a single snapshot of ez2view at the 15:45 dispatch interval with three copies of the ‘Forecast Convergence’ widget to show actual levels...
It might be useful for readers to reflect on the following snapshot from NEMwatch at the 14:00 dispatch interval (NEM time) to see Underlying Demand above 38,000MW.
Last Friday afternoon 13th December 2024 we wrote that ‘NEM-wide demand on Monday 16th December forecast to be highest in almost 4 years’. So I thought this morning...
As at 13:45 on Friday 13th December, the peak demand (measured as ‘Market Demand’ ) forecast for Monday is 33,718MW in the half-hour ending 18:00 (NEM time). In...
At 13:06 NEM time the AEMO published MN121831 and 121833 noting the cancellation of the forecast LOR3 that was in place for both Monday 16th December 2024 and...
Earlier this morning, we posted about deeper LOR3 forecast for Mon 16th and Tue 17th Dec 2024 ... and promised to take a look at ‘what’s changed?’. That's...
We noted as it happened (e.g. hard to ignore a steady run of SMS alerts) , but only belatedly publish this record of evening volatility on Thursday evening...
We'll explore 'what's changed?' more in subsequent articles - but in this article just want to flag the Market Notice updates around 05:00 (NEM time) this morning with...
Topical, given forecast load shedding for NSW on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December, is the latest high temperature alerts for large parts of the NEM on 14th,...
We also now have a forecast for LOR3 in NSW for Tuesday 17th December 2024.
Third article already this morning looking ahead to what’s forecast for Monday 16th December 2024 ... longer duration (and deeper) LOR3 (load shedding) in NSW + also LOR2...
With AEMO forecasting LOR3 (i.e. load shedding) in NSW for periods of time on Monday 16th December 2024, in this WattClarity article we take a first look. More...
"Surely not again so soon!?" ... was my first response at reading MN121734 published at 00:42 (NEM time) on Thursday 12th December 2024, forecasting LOR3 (a.k.a. load shedding)...
Because it was the focus of discussion and deliberation recently in the QUD19/2021 QLD Class Action, here's a view of bidding of all suppliers in QLD on 18th...
Reserve levels and curtailment estimates of November 27 indicate looming transmission challenges for the future.
No sooner had we hit on the article ‘‘Market Demand’ in Victoria ramps by 903MW in 10 minutes, on Monday 9th December 2024’ than we see an even...
In Victoria on Monday afternoon 9th December 2024 we see 'Market Demand' has ramped up by 1,802MW in 25 minutes (including a ramp of 903MW in 10 minutes)....
Oliver Nunn of Endgame Analytics provides this summary of NSW price, demand and generation trends to provide context about what has happened in the region over the past...