Infigen Energy suffering from “wind correlation penalty” in South Australian wind farms
Some thoughts about the possible uplift to Infigen Energy revenues, stemming from higher forward contract prices in the South Australian region of the NEM
Some thoughts about the possible uplift to Infigen Energy revenues, stemming from higher forward contract prices in the South Australian region of the NEM
Two slides (from BNEF and AEMO) that provide some context on the energy transition
A starting list of factors that I'd look further into, if I was sucked into the "rabbit hole" of assessing all of the contributing factors leading to the...
Recording early days of electricity production at the Hornsdale Wind Farm
Back on 8th October, I spoke at All Energy in Melbourne on this topic. Given the questions posed after the session, it seemed that it might be of...
A sped-up animation covering spanning a September 2015 weekend in the South Australian region of the NEM, illustrating both sides of the wind farm output coin.
Some further analysis of different aspects of wind farm output in South Australia
Some back-of-the-envelope calculations being a starting point to help me understand how much real contribution electric vehicles might make in feeding back into the grid when intermittent generation...
Some thoughts about Capacity Payments - given the article in the AFR yesterday
A hypothetical case of what production patterns from wind might look like through a year with increased installed capacity of wind farms.
A quick look at the extent to which wind supplies (across all wind turbines in the NEM) are diverse enough for supplies to have a degree of dependability.