Stubborn forecast LOR2 for NSW on Friday afternoon/evening 7th February 2025
At 10:42 (NEM time) this morning the AEMO published MN124235 pertaining to tomorrow (Friday 7th February 2024) for forecast LOR2 in NSW. So we take a quick look...
A collation of articles pertaining to the ‘N-CTMN_4_WG_CLOSE’ constraint set,
At 10:42 (NEM time) this morning the AEMO published MN124235 pertaining to tomorrow (Friday 7th February 2024) for forecast LOR2 in NSW. So we take a quick look...
A short record of spot price volatility in NSW on Tuesday afternoon 4th February 2025.
High prices eventuate slightly earlier than was earlier predicted, coinciding with the ‘N-CTMN_4_WG_CLOSE’ constraint set starting invocation today.
A short note for Tuesday morning 3rd December 2024 to highlight the emergence of forecast LOR2 conditions (and spicy prices) in NSW for later today
A case study, drawing heavily on various widgets in ez2view, looking at some large (and unexpected) oscillations in output at Darlington Point Solar Farm through a ~2 hour...