Quick initial notes about price spike at 17:30 on Friday 28th October 2022
A quick look at a brief price spike in NSW and QLD on Friday evening 28th October – which appears to be related to a Ravine -Yass(2) 330kV line outage.
A quick look at a brief price spike in NSW and QLD on Friday evening 28th October – which appears to be related to a Ravine -Yass(2) 330kV line outage.
A quick initial look at (what appears to be) a strange aberration in the AEMO forecast data, with load shedding briefly forecast in NSW tomorrow morning.
It’s taken longer than expected – but today I’ve posted this article that goes some way to answering the question ‘to what extent was solar production disappointing through periods of Q2 2022?’
In this article we explain a different (and sometimes quite powerful) way of reviewing some performance metrics in relation to the passage of another dimension of time.