Drop in System Frequency (approx 15:45 NEM time) on Saturday 5th October 2024
Looking back at system frequency, we see a noticeable drop in system frequency around ~15:45 (NEM time) on Saturday 5th October 2024. (a) There's no large trip of...
A collation of articles pertaining to some larger disruptions in system frequency (such as outside of the Normal Operating Frequency Band – NOFB).
Looking back at system frequency, we see a noticeable drop in system frequency around ~15:45 (NEM time) on Saturday 5th October 2024. (a) There's no large trip of...
A short article looking at a small drop in system frequency on Wednesday 2nd October 2024, perhaps related to Bayswater unit 3 tripping offline.
There were two significant drops in frequency on Thursday 5th September 2024. Whilst the first coincided with (brief) Market Suspension, in this article we take a look at...
A quick look at how System Frequency trended down with the IT issues experienced at AEMO impacting on the dispatch process.
We take a quick look, after (at 00:01 Wednesday 28th August 2024) both potlines at Portland Smelter tripped.
Three data points points help to highlight the change in grid frequency in Tasmania on 12 April 2024.
A first article from me after starting to delve into a 14-hour time series of AEMO's 4-second data for Tuesday 13th February 2024 (this one a trend of...
Whilst there were many things that went wrong on Tuesday 25th May 2021 (last week), guest author Allan O'Neil highlights that there were at least 4 things that...
Two brief (but important) observations made possible with a chart published on RenewEconomy with respect to the Hornsdale Power Reserve.
A deeper look at the frequency data (our own, and also from some others) reveals a number of other interesting things about what happened on Tuesday 25th May...
Part 5 in an expanding series, looking at what happened in QLD on Tuesday 25th May 2021 - this one looking at system frequency.
Guest author (and power system control specialist), Kate Summers, looks at what's changed since she published a paper on frequency control in the NEM back in January 2017.
A follow-on to my earlier article of a couple weeks ago, looking at another instance where a team effort was required to counter a drop in system frequency...
Understanding the FCAS response by all generators when a unit trips in the NEM. A detailed look at the Loy Yang A unit trip in December 2017 and...