Timestamping Renewable Energy Certificates is a Bad Idea.
Tom Geiser argues against time-stamped Renewable Energy Certificates - and how the concept could impact trade, accuracy, market signals and other factors.
Tom Geiser argues against time-stamped Renewable Energy Certificates - and how the concept could impact trade, accuracy, market signals and other factors.
Tom Geiser of Neoen writes this think piece about cost-based modelling vs price-based modelling in the broader debate about transmission investment.
Tom Geiser discusses transmission access and the efficacy of Renewable Energy Zones. He examines what the underlying problems are and how they can be solved directly.
Tom Geiser, Senior Market Manager at Neoen, discusses the merits of proportional, relative control on the issue of small solar curtailment.
Guest author, Tom Geiser, discusses the different approaches to loss factors amid recent market proposals.