This morning we wrote about ‘Whiplash from yo-yo-ing prices (and hence targets etc) on Wednesday morning 12th February 2025’ and specifically noted a suspicion that two constraint equations (and one in particular) in the recently created ‘N-BU_330_TX_ONE’ constraint set might be one of the contributing factors.
So as a happy update, we note with this updated snapshot from the ‘Constraint Dashboard’ widget in ez2view at the 15:20 dispatch interval, we note that the oscillations have ceased from around 13:58:12 (NEM time) this afternoon:
Again we have:
1) Two copies of the ‘Constraint Dashboard’ widget top and bottom:
(a) The ‘N>>BU_TX_TX78_ML_LV’ constraint equation at the top
… this is the one that had been intermittently binding
(b) The ‘N>>BU_TX_TX78_ML_HV’ constraint equation at the bottom.
2) Looking just at the ‘N>>BU_TX_TX78_ML_LV’ constraint equation (i.e. the one that was intermittently binding) but at the RHS via the ‘Plain English Translation’ tab (albeit over 2 copies side-by-side to allow visibility of two important things, we see:
(a) There’s now an updated version of the RHS been released today … roughly at 13:MM (NEM time) this afternoon
(b) In this update, the rogue 3rd Murraylink term (noted in red in the first article), has been removed:
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