Evening volatility in QLD and NSW on Monday 18th November 2024

A very short article on Monday evening 18th November 2024 with this snapshot from ez2view time-travelled back* to the 18:45 dispatch interval (NEM time) to show some of the volatility experiences in QLD and NSW this evening:

*  from later in the current day, so no ‘Next Day Public’ data available yet.


Amongst** the contributing factors we see several constraint equations in the same family that have been bound across the two-hour historical window shown in the ‘Swim Lanes’ Widget:

1)  Three are particularly familiar, because we’ve seen them all in recent times.  These are:

(a)  the  ‘N::N_MNYS_2’ constraint equation,

(b)  he ‘N>>5_998_4’ constraint equation

(c)  the  ‘N>>5_998_61’ constraint equation

2)  Which are both part of the the ‘N-MNYS_5_WG_CLOSE’ Constraint Set

…. remember that we noted before about:

(a)  how  ‘VIC1-NSW1 interconnector unable to Target Flow north, on Thursday afternoon-evening 7th November 2024’.

(b)  and about ‘Reviewing the ‘N-MNYS_5_WG_CLOSE’ Constraint Set, as a major factor in recent northern volatility’.

3)  As noted in that article, they are all limiting flow north from VIC into NSW … hence acting to support the volatility.


 ** note that there are other factors, in addition to the one highlighted here.


That’s all for now…

About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

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