Reviewing rebids at Loy Yang A1 for Tuesday 20th August 2024 … [alternate title = tips for ez2view users in the ‘Bid Explorer’ widget]

Reader Beware … just because you’re reading more about coal unit outages here in recent days, it does not necessarily mean that these outages are happening more frequently!


Yesterday evening we wrote the quick article ’Unplanned outage at Loy Yang A1 after we noticed that LYA1 unit had come offline via the ‘Notification’ widget alert in ez2view.  This morning we noted the unit was still offline, and so wrote ‘Using the ‘Next Day Public’ data set to see more about yesterday evening’s unplanned outage at Loy Yang A1 (which remains offline at this point)’ … but ran out of time.

So in this 3rd article in a series, we take a look at the evolution of bidding at Loy Yang A1 utilising the ‘Next Day Public’ data set and the ‘Bid Explorer’ widget in ez2view.


(A)  Quick notes for ez2view users

For those ez2view users who are following along with their own copies, some quick clarification might help:

The ‘Bids & Offers’ Widget
in ez2view
The ‘Bid Explorer’ Widget
in ez2view

For readers here on WattClarity, the ‘Bids & Offers’ widget in ez2view is the one we’ve almost always shown in articles here … so it’s probably the one you’re most familiar with.

This widget provides a concatenated view of the ‘as used in dispatch’ bids across the filtered list of units (i.e. so compiled across however many bids and rebids were submitted by those units).

In contrast, the ‘Bid Explorer’ widget has been hardly used in articles on WattClarity (which is part of the reason to utilise it here, for a change).

This widget is intended to help users watch the evolution of a bid for a single DUID … such as with Loy Yang A1 in this article.

With respect to both widgets:

1)  Remember that all bids for all units are shown ‘at the RRN’ (i.e. not ‘at the Station gate’) in order to allow for comparability across units and stations.

2)  Licensed users should remember to use the ‘?’ buttons on the top right of each widget to access more (version specific) explanation.

3)  For those not so familiar with the specifics of the NEM, recall that the Price Bands in bids are set at ‘Gate Closure #1’ the prior day, but that volumes can be shifted in these bancs (subject to rebid rules and the AER Rebid Guidelines) any time up until ‘Gate Closure #2’ for each individual dispatch interval.


If clients have questions about the above, feel free to contact us directly via the usual means.



(B)  Progressive evolution of bids at Loy Yang A1

With the above in mind, let’s look through what happened (with respect to this unit in the bids) through the day…


Rebid received by AEMO at 14:20 the prior day

The first bid selected in this widget was submitted at 14:20 the day before (i.e. Monday 19th August 2024), and was used until the 05:55 dispatch interval:


As we see here, the bid showed the intent to operate fairly consistently across the day (at that point).

Rebid received by AEMO at 05:48 on the day

The first rebid on Tuesday 20th August 2024 was received by the AEMO at 05:48 and so first used in the dispatch interval ending 05:55 dispatch interval:


As noted on the image, this rebid pertained to AEMO forecast prices (hence the ‘A’ used in the rebidding category as per the AER Rebid Guidelines) … for the early period we see some volume shifted from higher prices (green colours) down to $0/MWh.

Rebid received by AEMO at 13:59 on the day

The second rebid on Tuesday 20th August 2024 was received by the AEMO at 13:59 … and ended up only being used by NEMDE for 6 dispatch intervals (though the generator, the AEMO and the broader market did not know that at that time):


Rebid received by AEMO at 14:29 on the day

The bid above only lasts (i.e. as ‘current’) for 30 minutes because the third rebid on Tuesday 20th August 2024 was received by the AEMO at 14:29 … so is first used at 14:35:


We see the outage is brought forward, with the rebid reason referencing (some) ‘auxiliary plant failure’.  Though it was not visible to us in real time, this rebid suggests some time might need to be taken to rectify the failure (to whatever piece of auxiliary plant is referenced) before the unit returns to service.

Rebid received by AEMO at 15:52 on the day

The bid above only is superseded by the fourth rebid on Tuesday 20th August 2024 that is received by the AEMO at 15:52 … but this one is even-more-quickly superseded:


Rebid received by AEMO at 15:57 on the day

In contrast to the above, this fifth rebid on Tuesday 20th August 2024 (submitted at 15:57) lasts two dispatch intervals:


It shows a more rapid drop in availability.

Rebid received by AEMO at 16:07 on the day

The sixth and final rebid on Tuesday 20th August 2024 (submitted at 16:07) slightly adjusts availability in the last non-zero dispatch interval in the bid:


As noted in the first article, the unit  was offline prior to 16:20.


That’s all I have time for now …

About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

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