For more than a decade (since soon after the company was founded in 2000) we have been an active supporter of large energy users obtaining significant benefits from Demand Response in Australia’s National Electricity Market (NEM).
In the NEM we have been doing this for many years through the supply of our deSide product, plus through a range of other products and services (call us if you’d like to learn more of the specifics +61 7 3368 4064).
Our clients have achieved cost savings of seven figures on their average cost of energy. As a general guide, savings of 20% of the average cost of energy in their electricity contracts are possible, as we noted back in 2009.
{Since the competitive electricity market opened in Ontario in 2002, we have also had large energy users use our ez2viewOntario software to facilitate their demand response services in that market}
As already noted, we strive to remain agnostic to the technology used in energy supply – and see demand response as one more “technology” that should be used in efficiently balancing supply and demand on a level playing field.
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time.
As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.
Over on our Demand-Response focused site, I posted an article yesterday providing a high-level comparison between contract prices for calendar 2015 and final spot prices (for the 4 mainland regions). This was in response to questions from a particular energy user.
Our Guest Author, Mike Williams, has posted his final piece of an initial series of articles about the opportunities for end users in the mainland regions of the National Electricity Market.
Some ideas that I have been puzzling over – about the overlaps and contradictions between 3 rule changes under consideration at the AEMC currently
1) The Demand Response Mechanism (better known as the Negawatt buyback mechanism)
2) The Bidding in Good Faith deliberation
3) The Requirement for Price-Responsive (large) Demand to bid into central dispatch
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