“The energy price in New South Wales increased to the market cap price of $10,000/MWh at trading intervals (TIs) ending 13:00hrs, 13:30hrs and 15:00hrs on Friday 31 October 2008. The Queensland region saw energy prices rise to a maximum of $3,618.51/MWh at TI 14:30hrs. Mainland Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) prices reached $105.13/MWh at 14:50hrs. The Tasmanian region saw a negative energy price of -$0.43/MWh for the trading interval ending 15:30hrs. Energy prices in other regions were not materially affected.”
A Market Event Report has been published on the NEMMCO AEMO website at
NEMMCO says that a system incident report covering the reliability of the power system during this event will be published separately (and we’ll link to it, when we see it).
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