QLD ‘Market Demand’ passes 10,500MW at 16:45 on Friday 24th January 2025 and is climbing
Contemplating the end of the day, and looming sunset, a quick look at NEMwatch at 16:45 NEM time to see the ‘Market Demand’ at 10,543MW and climbing.
Contemplating the end of the day, and looming sunset, a quick look at NEMwatch at 16:45 NEM time to see the ‘Market Demand’ at 10,543MW and climbing.
Whilst we're waiting to see where 'Market Demand' lands for Friday 24th January 2025 (we might report that later), I was curious in terms of supply-side performance of...
An updated view (via ‘Forecast Convergence’ in ez2view) for forecast demand for QLD on Friday afternoon/evening 24th January 2025 ... and reintroduction for 'forecast LOR2'.
Ashleigh Madden of WeatherZone discusses how the the 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai eruption and a rare sudden stratospheric warming impacted the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and wind generation during...
Here's a 3-day trend chart from ez2view to look at the trended half-hourly* fuel mix in the Queensland region including Wednesday 22nd January 2025.
Dan shares an updated look at our forecast convergence widget for this coming Friday afternoon, in light of the record breaking demand in the region earlier this evening.
Worth a short note to highlight that the AEMO published MN123598 at 19:44 to flag cancellation of 'Actual LOR2' in QLD.
One of our ez2view alerts (i.e. the one for ‘coal unit switches off’) configured in the ‘Notifications’ widget triggered at 19:31 (NEM time) on Wednesday evening 22nd January...
Given the very tight supply-demand balance in the QLD region on Wednesday 22nd January 2025 (both very low IRPM and also ‘Actual LOR2’) it’s worth a quick look...
So only seconds after(?) we’ve posted this third article, the AEMO publishes MN123594 at 18:43:09 noting 'Actual LOR2' in QLD on Wed 22nd Jan 2025.
Third article this evening (Wed 22nd Jan 2025) as the supply-demand balance in QLD tightens first with the sun setting (so disappearance of Solar PV injections, whilst Underlying...
Following from QLD's new all-time-maximum level of 'Market Demand' we take a quick look at actual levels, compared to AEMO's earlier (P30 predispatch) forecasts.
A first quick article (with a NEMwatch snapshot at 17:55) noting the new all-time-maximum level of 'Market Demand' in QLD on Wednesday afternoon/evening 22nd January 2025.
An ez2view snapshot on Wednesday afternoon 22nd January 2025 with an illustration of the ‘Q-BCCP_812’ constraint set.
Worth recording a snapshot from NEMwatch at 13:35 (NEM time) on Wednesday 22nd January 2025 with the NSW price up at $14,028.17/MWh.
For the second day in a row, on Wed 22nd Jan 2025 AEMO has notified about an error in the predispatch demand forecast process.
A short article as a record of ramping constraints bound with reference to network outages in South Australia (and Queensland) on Wednesday morning 22nd January 2025.
Units typically cut over to their BDU counterpart in 2 weeks once the BDU was registered.
We’d seen Bayswater unit 2 come offline this morning, and wondered if we'd not seen the unit bouncing ON-OFF a few times recently.
AEMO noted (in MN123507) that 'The Bundey to Buronga 330kV (6F) line will be energised at 0700 hrs 21st January 2025.'