Using the ‘Next Day Public’ data set to see more about yesterday evening’s unplanned outage at Loy Yang A1 (which remains offline at this point)

Reader Beware … just because you’re reading more about coal unit outages here in recent days, it does not necessarily mean that these outages are happening more frequently!


Yesterday evening we wrote the quick article ’Unplanned outage at Loy Yang A1 after we noticed that LYA1 unit had come offline via the ‘Notification’ widget alert in ez2view.  This morning we noted the unit was still offline, so I’ve waited until after 09:00 to post this follow-on article… (but have not much time)


(A)  Using the ‘Generator Outages’ widget

Utilising the ‘Generator Outages’ widget, which has updated for the MT PASA DUID Availability data set update that the AEMO published just after 09:00 this morning, we get a first glimpse (at least in this data set) of what the generator suggests might be the return-to-service expectation:


I’ve annotated the image to indicate that some of the data is ‘stale’, as it’s fallen outside of the stipulated time horizon for MT PASA data updates.

… for those licensed ez2view users playing along themselves, remember that the ‘?’ button in the top right of the widget links to detailed online help for this widget.

In this case we see that the generator (AGL Energy in this case) expects Loy Yang A1 to be fully available by Sunday 25th August 2024 … and possibly well before that (though we can’t see that in this data set).


(B)  Using the ‘Unit Dashboard’ widget

Briefly referring back to the ‘Unit Dashboard’ widget we see that the ‘Next Day Public’ data drop has filled in Bids (and other data sets, like Targets) until 04:00 … I’ve focused the table on the 16:25 dispatch interval yesterday evening, which is the interval after which the unit reduced to 0MW output (i.e. FinalMW).



(C)  More about bids later…

Ran out of time now, more about bids later…

About the Author

Paul McArdle
One of three founders of Global-Roam back in 2000, Paul has been CEO of the company since that time. As an author on WattClarity, Paul's focus has been to help make the electricity market more understandable.

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