New all-time record for wind output, NEM-wide on Saturday 16th July 2022
Saturday evening saw a new all-time record for aggregate wind farm production across the NEM.
Saturday evening saw a new all-time record for aggregate wind farm production across the NEM.
A short note about prices spikes occurring in the four mainland NEM regions simultaneously this evening.
A quick record of spot price volatility on Monday evening, 11th July 2022.
Now that we’re past Market Suspension, we take a look back and see file creation latency improve prior to the end of Market Suspension.
On 4th July the AEMC published their second ‘Notice of Receipt of Claims’ with respect to compensation under the Administered Pricing period in June 2022.
A short article about the AER’s publication (on 1st July 2022) of some updated information to help Semi-Scheduled generators understand their obligations.
A quick look at this morning’s volatility in South Australia.
On 7th July 2022 the AEMO published the final ‘High Level Design’ for the IESS implementation.
After many years in a row, we return (in the midst of the ‘2022 Energy Crisis’) to review the pricing patterns in the NEM and the WEM for Q2 2022.
A short article about the rule change proposed by Alinta Energy to raise the APC … quite topical given Q2 2022.
RERT (Reserve Trader) dispatched in QLD.
This morning we also saw a sizeable drop (just over 1,300MW) in Available Generation the QLD region … which appears to have triggered an ‘Actual LOR2’ condition.
This morning (Tue 5th july 2022) AEMO announces it may see the need to trigger Reserve Trader this evening.
A quick article Monday evening about volatility in QLD.
A quick look into today’s high prices in QLD, and some of the contributing factors.
Geoff Bongers, Nathan Bongers and Andy Boston have prepared this guest authored article following on from their recently published paper about the characterisation and mitigation of renewable droughts in the NEM.
To mark the end of the financial year, Dan Lee writes this explainer about MLFs and gives some examples of noticeable long-term MLF trends within the NEM.
A short note about the release of the final version of the AEMO’s 2022 ISP that was published this morning.
The price has been spiking on Monday evening 27th June 2022.
Second (linked) article this evening, spelling out the two theories we’re aware of with respect to why some participants might have withdrawn capacity from the NEMDE dispatch/pricing run in June 2022 – leading to the AEMO Suspending the Market.