NSW energy prices less volatile than anticipated on 26 November 2024
A tight supply-demand balance in NSW didn't produce quite as much energy price volatility as projected.
A tight supply-demand balance in NSW didn't produce quite as much energy price volatility as projected.
At 16:55 on 26th November 2024 AEMO advised three of four units at Uranquinty tripped, during a forecast LOR1 condition which then became an actual LOR1 condition.
The AEMO responds to media coverage warning of blackouts in NSW on Wednesday afternoon.
Chris Bowen this morning announced a new four-person independent panel, who will be given roughly 12 months to review and provide reform recommendations on "wholesale market settings".
The outlook for load shedding in NSW on the 27th of November 2024 remains a possibility, yet recent STPASA runs indicate some movement in a positive direction is...
Given the tight supply-demand balance forecast for NSW and QLD this week, it’s worth revisiting the ‘Generator Outages’ widget in ez2view at 15:35 on Sunday 24th November 2024...
A very quick post to look at one of the several reasons we are seeing LOR3 and LOR2 forecasts for NSW and Queensland respectively next Wednesday (27 November)....
AEMO's MN120879 rates special mention, given the size of largest load shedding forecast for NSW on Wednesday afternoon/evening is above 1,000MW.
The most recent ST PASA forecast now shows a sliver of forecast LOR3 (i.e. forecast Load Shedding) for the NSW region on Wed 27th Nov 2024
In the >36 hours since an article on Wednesday the forecasts for LORx on Tuesday 26th November 2024 have become less strident. We start to look at why...
In his second article, Jack Fox uses the Non Financial Operation (NFO) data to take a look specifically at batteries, and how they would have performed under FPP.
In his first article, Jack Fox reports some initial observations from a review of the Non Financial Operations (NFO) data that's been published since Dec 2024.