Operational snags at Bayswater unit 2
We’d seen Bayswater unit 2 come offline this morning, and wondered if we'd not seen the unit bouncing ON-OFF a few times recently.
We’d seen Bayswater unit 2 come offline this morning, and wondered if we'd not seen the unit bouncing ON-OFF a few times recently.
We’ve only just published ‘AEMO directs 4 units on in Victoria, to cover System Strength shortfall’ … noting that, at that time, there were 3 coal units in...
Another 'interesting' event today ... a dip in mainland frequency with trip of Loy Yang A2.
A quick record of the trip of Loy Yang A1 unit just prior to 08:40 (NEM time) this morning … Friday 11th October 2024:
For several reasons (including as prompted by conversations with several different clients in recent days) here's a review of rebidding at Loy Yang A1 as the unit came...
A brief follow-on to yesterday evening's article about the unplanned outage at Loy Yang A1 (Tue 20th Aug 2024).
A quick look at some market data in ez2view, with respect to Loy Yang A1 unit coming offline on Tuesday afternoon 20th August 2024.
A brief follow on article about Loy Yang A station, following the A4 unit trip yesterday, and unsuccessful return to service today.
A short record of a coal unit trip around the time of a system frequency drop. on Wednesday 14th August 2024.
A slightly longer summary (compared to this morning's) of some evening volatility (across the NEM) on Monday evening 5th August 2024.
Curiosity (part triggered by some conversations I noticed on social media) drove me to have a look at the implied ROCDOWN in the AEMO 4-second data for the...
Following the review of bidding in VIC on Tue 13th Feb 2024, this review of the 4-second data for VIC on the day reveals another 28 Observations/Questions to...
Some things in the AEMO's Preliminary Operating Incident Report that stood out to me, and which will assist in our further investigations on WattClarity.
Five days after Tuesday 13th February 2024 we have a bit of time to take this initial (top-down) look at bidding for ENERGY in the Victorian region on...
Perhaps unrealised by many, but Tuesday afternoon's events in Victoria resulted in a new record low in terms of number of coal units being online in the region,...
Dr Roger Dargaville from the Monash Energy Institute argues that Tuesday's events in Victoria were a showing of a system resilience, and not fragility.
In this article we’ll have a first pass at what happened in Victoria on Tuesday 13th February 2024 at a DI-by-DI level ... which we call ‘Timeline #1’...
The third (of 4) units at Loy Yang A that tripped on Wed 13th Feb 2024 is beginning to return to service ~26 hours afterwards.
A follow up on the (bumpy) return to service for Loy Yang A2
The start of a return to service for Loy Yang A3.