Callide C3 offline until expected return to service on Monday 26th August 2024
A short initial article, 5 days after Callide C3 came offline again for another forced outage ... during a period that's seen multi-region spot price volatility.
A short initial article, 5 days after Callide C3 came offline again for another forced outage ... during a period that's seen multi-region spot price volatility.
In the last MT PASA DUID Availability data update for Friday 12th July 2024 the return to service expectation for the repaired Callide C4 unit has been delayed...
On Wednesday evening 15th May 2024, Anthony Macdonald published an update about Callide C4 in the AFR that's worth a read.
Twelve days ago there was news about a delay to return to service for Callide C3 (now to 31st March 2024), but we'd missed it.
A quick update today, following news yesterday from CS Energy about a 17-day delay to the expected return to service of Callide C3, following repairs to the collapsed...
AER announced today (and CS Energy confirmed) that a fine had been issued, and paid, for ‘allegedly operating a generating system without regulatory approval’ - with respect to...