Over the period of summer 2006-07, we prepared a number of articles about other occasions of note in the NEM (in addition to the blackout of 16th January 2007, which has been written about separately).
About the Author
Paul McArdle
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Paul McArdle
Sunday, December 29 2013
High temperatures on Sunday drive Queensland demand higher than demand in NSW!
A record of a time that’s not seen very often – when electricity demand in Queensland exceeds electricity demand in NSW (temporarily).
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Wednesday, December 24 2014
Will Queensland defy the trend of declining demand?
Spurred on by our competition (but with an interest that’s much broader) we have a look at how Queensland demand has trended – and find a couple of quite remarkable things occurring…
Paul McArdle
Friday, December 8 2006
7th December 2005 – high demand in Queensland and NSW
For several days in early December, temperatures reaching 40 degrees in Queensland and New South Wales cause airconditioning load (and hence total demand) to soar in both regions.
The high demands resulted in very high prices being experienced in both QLD and NSW (and also the SNOWY region). Both VIC and SA were insulated from the high prices because (at least in part) of the fact that transfers over the SNOVIC interconnector were constrained to minimise negative inter-regional surplus
Paul McArdle
Friday, December 19 2008
What happened to the competition? (for Summer 2007-08)
We did not run the competition for summer 2007-08, but we did have, however, some occasions to perform analysis of summer 2007-08.
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