Some remarks on Victorian demand
Allan O'Neil takes a closer look at Victorian electricity demand on Sunday, February 2nd — which stood out as an unprecedented anomaly when looking at the history of...
Allan O'Neil takes a closer look at Victorian electricity demand on Sunday, February 2nd — which stood out as an unprecedented anomaly when looking at the history of...
Using the latest GSD – GSD2024 – we take the opportunity to reflect on FCAS enablement and how enabled levels are changing between technology types.
A short record of a large (i.e. >400MW) change in ‘Market Demand’ in the NSW region for the 17:15 dispatch interval (NEM time) on Friday 7th February 2025,...
No sooner had I published this article about ‘Berrybank 1 Wind Farm recommences operations, on Friday morning 7th February 2025’ than I received an ez2view alert on the...
Third article in a series, following the turbine failure at one of the Berrybank Wind Farms (was it Berrybank 2?) ... to note that Berrybank 1 has restarted...
Drawing from our freshly released GSD2024, Dan provides some deeper insights into curtailment in the NEM, beyond the headline totals that were a topic of much online discussion...
Inspecting unit data at Willogoleche Wind Farm to ascertain drivers of the outage on 4th of February, 2025.
At 10:42 (NEM time) this morning the AEMO published MN124235 pertaining to tomorrow (Friday 7th February 2024) for forecast LOR2 in NSW. So we take a quick look...
It's Wednesday 5th February 2025, and we* are pleased to release the GSD2024 … following a focused effort across both teams over the period since the changeover from...
A short note following the AER announcement (Tue 4th Feb 2025) that ‘Callide Power Trading penalised $9 million for not meeting performance standards’.
Prompted by a reader (and an ABC article) we take a look at Berrybank 1 & 2 Wind Farm following the turbine tower collapse on Tuesday 4th February...
A fourth update in what's visible in the market data about Industrial Action at Gladstone Power Station
Friday 31st January 2025 (appeared to) experienced a very large drop in demand in NSW in a single dispatch interval - but we're now suspecting some form of...
A short record of spot price volatility in NSW on Tuesday afternoon 4th February 2025.
With all 6 x Gladstone units expected to be offline by the end of the day due to Industrial Action, very timely that AEMO MN124047 notifies the market...
After a pretty remarkable evening (on Monday 3rd February 2025) here's some statistics in terms of how today's peak demand levels rate in comparison with the most recent...
A quick mid-afternoon article with a snapshot from NEMwatch at 14:55 (NEM time) to highlight the current status.
A summary of the current extreme weather being experienced in North Queensland, and related impacts we've seen on electricity demand, generation and the transmission network in the area.
Taking a second look at the (apparent) large drop in NSW 'Market Demand' on Friday afternoon 31st January 2025. Was it a data glitch instead?
An update (at 09:00 NEM time) on AEMO's more recent forecasts for peak demand levels for this evening Monday 3rd February 2025.