Guest Authors

As WattClarity has grown over the years, we have become increasingly interested to hear from experienced professionals who are able to provide insight and expertise on different energy-related topics. These authors have come from a wide range of backgrounds, including analysts, engineers, economists, meteorologists, financial traders, and lawyers.

All guest-authored posts can be found on this page. The table below provides a brief description of a small number of guest authors who have made multiple contributions over the years – listed in no particular order. You can click through their name to find a list of all the articles they have published on the site:

Guest Author About
Allan O’Neil Allan O’Neil is an independent energy market consultant.

He has worked in Australia’s wholesale energy markets since their creation in the mid-1990’s, in trading, risk management, forecasting and analytical roles with major NEM electricity and gas retail and generation companies. He currently works with clients on projects across a spectrum of wholesale, retail, electricity and gas issues.

Jonathon Dyson Jonathon Dyson is the Managing Director of Greenview Strategic Consulting and an Executive Director at Overwatch Energy.

Jonathon has over twenty years of practical experience in the NEM, having held senior operational and trading roles in participant organisations and now as the Director of a specialist market consulting organisation, with a specific focus on renewable energy integration. Current clients include some of Australia’s largest integrated utilities, market regulatory organisations, transmission system operators and not-for-profit market observers.

David Leitch David Leitch is Principal at ITK Services.

He has over thirty years of experience in investment banking research at major investment banks in Australia. He was consistently rated in the top three for utility analysis between 2006 and 2016.

Kate Summers Kate Summers is a Principal Consultant at Ekistica.

She is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers, and is an experienced power systems and control engineer with extensive electrical experience, and market and regulatory knowledge. Her broad engineering knowledge has been gained over twenty-eight years of engineering practice covering a wide range of practical field experience, power system analysis, transmission planning, operational control, regulatory compliance and project connection negotiation.

Tristan Edis Tristan Edis is the Director of Analysis and Advisory at Green Energy Markets.

Since 2000,

Warwick Forster Warwick Forster is an independent energy markets consultant operating through his business, Apogee Energy.

He is an experienced energy professional with over twenty-five years of experience covering energy trading, risk management, market operations, retailing, pricing, renewable project development and energy storage.

If you know of others who would be able to provide valuable insights to our readers as a guest author, then please drop us a line.