Weather a factor on Wednesday 15th January 2025? … Part 3
Could a large storm passing over NSW and Victoria have played a part in transmission outages, leading to price volatility?
Could a large storm passing over NSW and Victoria have played a part in transmission outages, leading to price volatility?
AEMO’s Frequency Performance Payments (FPP) project has commenced in production today under “non-financial operation” (NFO).
A curious phenomenon we’ve been watching with interest today has been the somewhat persistent and alarmingly high predispatch price forecasts for NSW.
Wednesday 27th November saw tight supply and demand balance, NSW Energy prices at the MPC for a string of intervals, actual LOR2 conditions, and activation of the RERT mechanism, but in the end no load shedding (LOR3 conditions) eventuated.
The Energy price in NSW has already spiked to up near the MPC of $17500 as early as 14:30 NEM time.
At 16:55 on 26th November 2024 AEMO advised three of four units at Uranquinty tripped, during a forecast LOR1 condition which then became an actual LOR1 condition.
A brief note to record that at 5:29:34 PM today AEMO have published Market Notice 116985 announcing a possible intervention to maintain power system security for the QLD region. Market notices of this form are now very familiar in recent…